Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 5, Things 10, 11, and 12

SO I have just finished with this week's activities. But before I could continue on this priceless journey of learning and frustration, I first had to reset my password because I forgot it. YAY!!! So in the process, I discovered a new word: erstical. Go ahead, look it up, it doesn't exist yet but it will soon because I'm going to give it meaning. So watch out.

I decided to get on Yahoo! and create my own avatar. Since Yahoo! is such a huge media conglomerate, it's truly a surprise that they could not get anyone to better animate these atrocities otherwise known as avatars. My own avatar looked nothing like me, with eyes that took up half her face and tight blue jeans. Speaking of clothes,the start page gave me a choice of a sparkly white halter top or a "Kiss Me, I'm Irish!" shirt. Since I am neither a club-hopping socialite nor Irish, I sadly could not use either option. In the end, avatars can only take you so far. And they really, really don't look like you at all.

Thing 11: LibraryThing. Here's my LibraryThing account:
While I appreciate the fact that LibraryThing let me catalog my favorite books, I suspect some subliminal messaging/sneaky advertising on the part of, whose name popped up quite frequently while I was just attempting to share my love of books with the world. I don't want to buy the books, Amazon. I work in a library, okay? Anyway, LibraryThing definitely interested me mainly because it was cool to see how many people like the same books that I like (unexpectedly, a book I thought only I liked actually happened to be known by more than 100 people).

Things 12: Rollyo. SO USELESS!! The internet and all its inventions are making people lazier and lazier. Instead of actually going on a search through the internet for what you want, you can now have it delivered right to you. I am not a big fan of this technique. I prefer to go looking for my own sources, mainly because I tend to find other interesting facts along the way. I figure, there is no harm in searching each site individually. The only thing stopping someone is laziness. Not to mention the fact that if you are trying to save time looking through all those search engines, you should START THE PROJECT EARLIER, PROCRASTINATOR! (And trust me, as a student, I know everything about procrastinating and marathon paper writing.) Also, something like this has definitely been invented before, with a much more amusing name: check out

I can't get over that name! HEEHEE.

That's all for this week's adventure into cyberspace. PEACE OUTTT.

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